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Good Friday at Old Pascua

Deer dancer ties on moth cacoons to his calves, ties on antlers, swirls rattles
filled with seeds while the Yaqui Marias in flowing gowns glow white as the moon
far from the blonde destroyer who pins on a 14 carat gold American flag
to his Armani lapel, calls out his military to bomb a desert half-way across the globe.
I pull on boots, sweater, my best jeans.  I’d walk on my knees to enter the flower world.
Good Friday and in Old Pascua the procession continues, chapayekas
waving hand painted wood swords at black-coated fareseos, telling the old story
of good chasing evil from the world.  For weeks, the whole village dances days and nights, stamping love’s renewal through the soles of sandaled feet to rhythms
old as moonlight deer nibble in ocotillo, old as betrayal cracking the lips of Judas, old as the fifteen pieces of silver burning his hands, rhythms old as dictators who
believe they are saviors, who smash the vulnerable who pray for peace. 
Deer dancer tilts his head, lifts a foot to the grind of raspados.  His heart taps to the waterdrum’s beat, to the shush, shush, shush of cacoons.  Tonight, deer antlers point our way through terrible thorns of sacrifice to hope’s lush and edible blooms.






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Political activist and wilderness advocate, Pam Uschuk has howled out six books of poems, including Crazy Love, winner of a 2010 American Book Award, Finding Peaches in the Desert (Tucson/Pima Literaature Award), and her most recent, Blood Flower,one of Book List’s Notable Books in 2015.
Translated into more than a dozen languages, her work appears in over three hundred journals and anthologies worldwide, includingPoetry, Ploughshares, Agni Review, Gargoyle, etc
Among her awards are the War Poetry Prize from winningwrites.comNew Millenium Poetry Prize, Best of the Web, the Struga International Poetry Prize (for a theme poem), the Dorothy Daniels Writing Award from the National League of American PEN Women, the King’s English Poetry Prize and prizes from Ascent, Iris, and AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL.  
Editor-In-Chief of Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts, Uschuk lives in Tucson, Arizona.  She edited the anthology, Truth To Power:  Writers Respond To The Rhetoric Of Hate And Fear, 2017.  Uschuk is often a featured writer at the Prague Summer Programs and at Ghost Ranch.  She was the John C. Hodges Visiting Writer at University of Tennessee, Knoxville.  She’s finishing work on a multi-genre book called Of Thunderlight and Moon: An Odyssey through Ovarian Cancer.  In June 2018, Uschuk was named a Black Earth Institute Fellow for 2018-2021.