Clade (n.) a group of organisms that have evolved from one common ancestor. Greek      from the OED
Clade (n.) A grouping of organisms made on the basis of phylogenetic relationship, rather than purely on shared features. Clades consist of a common ancestor and all its descendants. The class Aves (birds) is a clade, whereas the class Reptilia (reptiles) is not, since it does not include birds, which are descended from the dinosaurs, a kind of reptile. Many modern taxonomists prefer to use clades in classification, and not all clades correspond to traditional groups like classes, orders, and phyla. Greek     from The American Heritage Science Dictionary
Song (n.) An act or the art of singing; vocal music; that which is sung. Also poetry. OE     from the OED
Song (n.) The musical call or sound made by certain birds, insects, etc. usually uttered repeatedly in order to establish territory, attract a mate, etc. OE   from the OED

Clade Song is a space dedicated to the literary examination of the animal world and all of its behavioral niches from the bacterial mat to the predation of the auk, all of which impact and interrelate with the humanosphere. We are curious about how animal behavior shapes meaning for own species and how it informs moral minds both anthropic and not. We are attentive to how the consciousness of an animal is defined and how systems of social justice are developed as a result of the definitions.

At Clade Song we are interested in the evolution of poetry from the phoneme outwards, from raw, exclamatory yelping to the insect hymns sung to enshrine the concrete and the nonce. The drive to the herd found in individual expression. Fusion of eye and ear and mind. We believe writing of necessity must evolve at all points—from syntax to the kinds of interactive changes that take place between an animal (writer) and its environment. We promote a deep ecology which accepts poetry’s resistance to the paradigm of use value.

Clade Song publishes semi-annually and accepts submissions year-round. Our response time varies. We accept simultaneous submissions, although we ask that you let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Please submit up to a total of 5 previously unpublished poems, .mp3 files, or compressed video files.

• Poems should be typed in an easy-to-read 12 point font.

• If your poem(s) is/are over one page in length, please indicate stanza breaks between pages.

• .mp3 files and compressed video files should not exceed more than 3 MB per e-mail

• Accompany your submission with a brief cover letter that includes a biographical note and contact information including your name, address, email, and telephone number with area code.

• We accept submissions via e-mail only (because as editors we believe in the importance of facilitating literary conversations where time allows . . . and submissions managers are an impediment to the correspondence between writing animals).

Please submit your work as a single Word file attachment (.doc) or .rtf, (.mp3), and/or compressed video file [160 x 120].

• If accepted, we hope/strongly encourage you to send an audio (.mp3) of you reading/performing your poem. For some ideas of how to do this, you can visit this short tutorial "how to make an .mp3"

• If accepted, the author will grant Clade Song first serial and electronic rights.

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