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Clade Song 5

Every day she rowed slowly through the swamp

 in search of the Lord God Bird.
 One of many scientists, she hoped
 to prove it had not gone extinct.
 Her camera ready, she steered randomly,
 taking a different route each time
 through the waterlogged snags
 and the living trees that fed the beetles
 whose larvae fed the bird. The day he flew over
 backlit by the sun, she was too stunned
 to do anything but stare at the large cross
 his body made vanishing into the woods,
 his crest like the tip of an arrow
 dipped in blood.

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Beth Spencer runs Bear Star Press ( and has work published or forthcoming in Split This Rock, Iron Horse Literary Review, River Styx, Weird Year, and elsewhere. A collection of her microfiction is scheduled to be performed by Slow Theatre in Chico in October 2015.  



deer moth sparrow sparrow sparrow frog spider spider spider spider spider rat rat rat rat