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Buteo Syntax

The weather can be stubborn,
mind waiting downwind with sun
at its back to blind

already half-blinded ducks
more and more aware of lurk,
of hover and finite—of the frame,

its noise from the streets outside
ticking within vents
like a tongue against teeth:

no concern for when or why,
just what as the first ripples emboss
the basin’s yawn—

not enough yet to float on
but enough to take as a sign
to test sails and knots and self—

self always last.
On calmer days it means rowing.
The archetype takes wing,

drops from a mooring of cloud.





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F. Daniel Rzicznek is the author of three poetry collections, Settlers (forthcoming from Free Verse Editions/Parlor Press), Divination Machine (Free Verse Editions/Parlor Press) and Neck of the World (Utah State University Press), as well as four chapbooks, most recently Live Feeds (Epiphany Editions). He is coeditor of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry: Contemporary Poets in Discussion and Practice (Rose Metal Press). His recent poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in West Branch, Willow Springs, Colorado Review, 32 Poems, TYPO, Terrain, The Collagist and elsewhere. Rzicznek teaches writing at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.