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Clade Song 14

I’d walk all night every night

when I was security, paid to walk, a coworker
fired when he was having trouble walking, too
old, limping, the bosses seeing this, telling him
that it probably wasn’t the right job for him,

because all we did was walk, was the job, really,
nothing else, just walking and our eyes, just legs
and seeing, observing the nothingness of the night,
the moon all hot in the watery sky, like a hot coal

thrown into a lake, and the deer’s eyes would glow,
so many deer, always paired up, coupled, in love,
I imagined, fawns nearby, hidden, and then they,
too, would come out, hesitant, and they’d eat,

chomp was the word I’d think, how it looked like
they were chomping, just chewing, staring at me
and I’d stare at them, because we were each so
familiar with each other now, the midnight shifts

that we all worked, me and the deer, except I was
alone, very alone, a forest of loneliness, snow, and
the job exposed us to radiation and we signed
forms saying we were all right with this and

the deer didn’t sign any forms, and the deer
were so quiet, times when they’d walk across
the road tiptoeing, comically, as if I didn’t see
them, and the moon would ache up above.


CS 14 Right Bird slug coyote

Ron Riekki has been awarded a 2014 Michigan Notable Book, 2015 The Best Small Fictions, 2016 Shenandoah Fiction Prize, 2016 IPPY Award, 2019 Red Rock Film Fest Award, 2019 Best of the Net finalist, 2020 Dracula Film Festival Vladutz Trophy, 2019 Très Court International Film Festival Audience Award and Grand Prix, 2020 Rhysling Anthology inclusion, and 2022 Pushcart Prize.  Right now, Riekki's listening to Radiohead's "The Tourist."