Pastoral #3
God must find his queen in parched wings of ambrose paper
in cumulus waves of oak leaf
& saccades of thunderbolt
he must build his pyche from hackle to alight & he must brood for love
for neven & bouton
& conception.
God must sever limbs from pure havens & carry her in his hand
& in his craft of board
must be warded near
& supersede
he must unfold as filaments of desire as branches of hair & collapse
into strokes of colophon
as her stigma rises under
his imprimatur.
God must desire her voracious mouth & desire her black eyes as bruised
& discolored
as bewildered fonds of limerant
he must congregate & humble adore & evereft more rupt upon a pres of laud.
God must abaddon our hive to more than mite & our nuptial flight sin
until shivers of grist
hum & swarm
with falls
God must buzz all over tarnation to find his virgin
to empty his spirit into her sting chamber
to burst into an ear to hear incarnation
& heaven be bound to threads
as clover extends its umbel
to a basket of collection.