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Bee Bee Bee CS 14 Left Bee Turtle swan

Clade Song 14

We watched the car hit the gosling in front of Wendy’s

Interrupting    the line    of

            babies    the last    flipping   

over    then back    flapping

            about    looking    like it might   

walk    head    darting    not
            understanding    the many   

ways   the end    finds us   the

            mother   also    interrupted   

searching    the roadside    siblings

            pecking    at the ground    as

if    unaware    my son    and

            I    interrupted    in our

car    unable    to move

            forward    unable    to

return    where    we’d

            been    murmurs    fashioning
themselves    about us    this

            is    not    your body    not

your    mangled wings     not

            your    mouth    a riot    of

half-gods    who cannot

            look    back    not sweet  

 the sun        not small  the

            hours    we wait    we   who

carry    no weapons    we    who

            cut    through   the chorus    at

the lip    of the world    we

            who     know   our

CS 14 Right Bird slug coyote

Peter Grandbois is the author of fourteen books, including the Snyder prize-winning, Last Night I Aged a Hundred Years (Ashland Poetry Press 2021). His poems, stories, and essays have appeared in over one hundred and fifty journals. His plays have been nominated for several New York Innovative Theatre Awards and have been performed in St. Louis, Columbus, Los Angeles, and New York. He is poetry editor at Boulevard magazineand teaches at Denison University in Ohio. You can find him at www.petergrandbois.com