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Bee Bee Bee CS 14 Left Bee Turtle swan

Clade Song 14


Sometimes I dream that I’m floating
on a raft with holes like eyes
across a lake like a blown pupil

Other times I make a skylight
of hands stretching like branches
to the nomadic moon

I want to know if I have died,
if, once again, I belong to worlds
like secrets that slip through night

The rat snake curled in the attic, its forked
tongue asking so many questions

The green tomato on the windowsill
breathing into the pane

The wasp’s nest made of eyes hanging
in the corner of the garage

The hidden birds haunting the leafy edges of things

This morning you and I saw a beetle
lying on its back, its little legs wiggling—
all that melody, that to and fro

Last night, ears and eyes bundled,
Caught, once again, in the long waiting,
We failed to notice the stars’

Absence speaking of the long
day of silence, that strange field
in our minds

So funny this bright, loud world
Colors like banging on an empty box—
So much we’re able to see

So much we fail to unlock
CS 14 Right Bird slug coyote

Peter Grandbois is the author of fourteen books, including the Snyder prize-winning, Last Night I Aged a Hundred Years (Ashland Poetry Press 2021). His poems, stories, and essays have appeared in over one hundred and fifty journals. His plays have been nominated for several New York Innovative Theatre Awards and have been performed in St. Louis, Columbus, Los Angeles, and New York. He is poetry editor at Boulevard magazineand teaches at Denison University in Ohio. You can find him at www.petergrandbois.com