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Clade Song 14


[sun-silent   robin]

sun-silent   robin
twig-leg   scurries  

only flowers   listen
some petals   earlobe

listen   others
wind-wink   what

does   the sun   not know
earth’s dark side   what

does   the moon   so
knowing   unknow

CS 14 Right Bird slug coyote

Karen Earle, a private practice psychotherapist, served as faculty member of the New Directions Program/Writing with a Psychoanalytic Edge. Before becoming a psychotherapist, she earning an MFA in Poetry from University of Massachusetts/Amherst, was adjunct faculty at Widener University and director of the writing lab at Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. Her poetry has appeared in various journals, including: G W Review, Chaffin Journal, Chaminade, Denver Quarterly Literary Review, Hudson Valley Echoes, Tupelo Press, Sugar House Review, Clade Song, and SWWIM. She was a semi-finalist in The Slapering Hol Chapbook Contest, awarded a Martha’s Vineyard Institute for Creative Writing fellowship, and attended several Colrain Poetry Conferences to complete work on her manuscript Honey & Sting.