a little rill of water
a trickle
stiff blackjack leaves, fresh
muddy water
I am the storm
the storm made music
ocean still remembers me
slow swimming against the mind
hawking after the huge
globed against limey mud
limestone rain
a continent of caves, a karst-land
sweet water chuckled and trickled
weedle witter snitcher
clicker and clean – fact
strigil clean to symmetry
purple quartz crystals blossom
snowflake-feathery amethyst
loops twines whickers
slops chackling
the only one to stop – chack!
slick with antenna tip
mouth touch:
my limp tongue
my black mist speech
couldn’t: throaty mix
phalanxed food gather
bringing back a caterpillar, dead cricket, or bread crust
gorgeous and rhizomic
burrowing into the weight of wood
heet-heet-hoot-of a form dragging
wars of women: pincer dismem
berment legs, heads, leaked acid
fiddling yiddick
fickle scrillip clus–
towards mound
hail mound, womb, wing
towards mound
the new queens bite off their wings
the winged males and females emerging from the nest
they sing, they spread
small wings to flutter out above
twirling and drifts
stomps / salt-fuck desire driving
groping for inland womb, lope
xiphillic, xenous
xanthous gas rooming
skidding the red-bark pine / sight
of smell
lifemind, huckle scrupulour
I am frozen addled eggs on the tundra
sprawl the hot guts, my
moon, the
us is chamber, sheeeee: us-us-muses
milky and night, hollowed
freshed / lung
caste in sense, sleeping in