Clade Song 6
Ryan Bayless
Nothing, Nothing
Mary Cresswell
Memo from a Possible World
Melanie Dunbar
Memory of Parhelion
The Under Summer
George Kalamaras
Herds of Darkness
To Consider Our Milk
Seth Kleinschmidt
Oh Aldo
On the Day of Crane Numbering
Karina Lutz
At Willow Point
Panes of Rain
Paige Menton
Alison Moncrief-Bromage
Day Seven
Tamer Mostafa
Eating a Peach on the Drive to Porterville
Elegies for the Central Valley
Robert Okaji
Leslie Philibert
The Bottle Collector
Meghan Sterling
Borough Bird
Susan Tichy
Pockets of Detail, Unsurrounded
Small Volcano of a Mushroom, Pushing Through Soil
Kelly Weber
How I Learned I Would Never Be a Biologist
Three Varieties of Native Poems