Clade Song 12 left

Clade Song 12

Mantis Eggs in Autumn

The praying mantis pays
no homage to great mammal king Pan.
The cat’s tap can’t pry
her metallic ladder arms
into unfolding, or scare her from
a grip on her grass rope.

She is indifferent to the rose
petal and to the thorn.
Mantis is an agent only
to the god of buried sweetness,
Hades. She feasts in the velvet
belly of the bee.

Mantis is ready. She has
exhaled her house of ghosts.
Come October, the first hook
of dark mother winter
won’t gain purchase
on her pale burnished mind.

Clade Song 12 Right
Mary Elizabeth Birnbaum was born, raised, and educated in New York City.  She has studied poetry at the Joiner Institute in UMass, Boston.  Mary’s translation of the Haitian poet Felix Morisseau-Leroy has been published in The Massachusetts Review, the anthology Into English (Graywolf Press), and in And There Will Be Singing, An Anthology of International Writing by The Massachusetts Review, 2019 as well.  Her work is forthcoming or has recently appeared in Lake Effect, J-Journal, Spoon River Poetry Review, Soundings East, and Barrow Street.  



deer moth sparrow sparrow sparrow frog spider spider spider spider spider rat rat rat rat